Thursday 20 November 2014

Are you what you eat? Weekly planner

Week 1-2




9- 10


Introduction of the unit
What is a balanced diet?
How healthy is your diet?
What macro nutrients do foods contain?
What are the deficiency disease?
How can you read a food label?

What are the health problems with over eating and under eating?
What is BMI? How can you measure BMI?
What are other methods of measuring  if you are healthy?
What are the health problems with over eating and under eating?
What relationship does our diet have on our health? What influence does culture have on people’s diet?
Are some diets better than others?

What are the parts of the digestive system?
How do the different parts of the digestive system work?
How is the food broken down by mechincal and chemical digestion?

What are the problems with the digestive system?
What are some of the caused of digestive problems?
Myth busting – Are all the old wives tells about food and sicknesses true?

Are some diets better than others?
Does the media give misinformation about food?
What is food dressing? How does this trick people in advertising?

Debates and essay writing

Review – final test – unit reflection
Teaching experiences
Think pair share – of the major food groups.
Pre knowledge quiz – food facts.
Powerpoint – note taking – major food groups and the uses in the body.
Labeling and matching activity – food plate
Planning a healthy eating plan for a typical day.
Lab – food testing
Reading and research tasks – food deficiencies
Food label reading exercise

Video task – problems with obesity and eating disorders.
Calculating energy in and energy out put.
Measuring of BMI - calculating
Reading task on obesity
Lab – energy content in different foods.
Research about the different diets around the world

Labeling exercise – parts of the digestive system
Class demo – model digestive system
Making a model gut lab – to show diffusion
Video – journey through the guts.
Assessment task 1 – comic strip
Formative test – key words quiz

Computer research – digestive problems and causes
Video – treatments of digestive problems

Video – food dressing and advertising.
Reading task – advert games – tricks used to get children to eat junk food.
Advertising task – producing a poster
Photoshop video

Researching for debate topics
Carry out the debate following debating rules – groups of 3
Write argumentative essay in class

Refer back to wik, wilk, wil
- Summative assessments
Outline of summative assessment task(s) including assessment criteria:

1.     Create a cartoon strip detailing the journey of food through the digestive system.
Criteria D
 iii. apply communication modes effectively
 iv. document the work of others and sources of information used. 

2.     Criteria D - iii. apply communication modes effectively 
Debating task – Groups of 3 debating various questions.
Junk food and soda’s should be banned from Binus.
Fast food restaurants are responsible for people becoming obese
Fast food commercials should be banned 
Unrealistic advertising leads to eating disorders
3.     Criteria D (all)
Argumentative essay (using the same question from the debate write an argumentative essay.
Written in class
4.     End of unit test – Criteria A

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