Monday 4 May 2015

Growing Crystals Lab Assessment

Crystal growing Lab

The study of crystals and their structure is a field called Crystallography. A crystal is a solid that consists of the various atoms, or molecules being arranged in a uniform repeating pattern based on its unique shape. This results in the material having a specific shape and colour, and having other characteristic properties. Crystals may be big or little, but they all have the same "shape". Table salt is NaCl and has a cube-shaped structure. Snow crystals form a six-sided structure. 

How are crystals grown?

In a solution, a solvent (water) can only hold a certain amount of solute. This is called the solubility of a solution. When the temperature of the solution is increased, hot water can dissolve more solid substance than cold water. This is because heated water molecules move farther apart, making room for more solid substance to dissolve. When no more of the solid substance can be dissolved, the solution is said to be saturated. As this solution cools, the water molecules move closer together again and there's less room for the solution to hold onto as much of the dissolved solid.
Crystals begin to form and build on one another as the water lets go of the excess solute. This process is called recrystallization and, depending upon conditions, one may obtain a mass of many small crystals or one large crystal.
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What can affect the crystal growth?

There are a number of different things that can affect crystal growth such as:
Saturation of the solute
Changing the temperature the crystals grow in
Method to grow the crystals
The chemical used to grow the crystal

Related links

Crystal - A crystal is a solid with a definite geometric shape. The shape consists of smooth, flat surfaces that meet in sharp edges or corners.

Crystallography - A branch of Chemistry that studies crystals and their structure.
Recrystallization - Recrystallization is a process that has been used to purify solid material by dissolving the solid substance in an appropriate liquid and then having the material come out of solution in crystalline form.

Saturated solution - Solution where the maximum amount of solutes is dissolved in the solvent.
Solubility - The maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in a certain volume of solvent at a given temperature is known as the solubility of the solute. The solubility of the solute usually increases with an increase of temperature.
Solute - Dissolved substance in a solution.

Solution - A uniform mixture of two or more substances. For example, sugar dissolved in water is a solution.
Solvent - The liquid into which the solute is dissolved. The solvent of choice in this lab is water.

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